4 research outputs found

    Design of Traffic Organization on Mostní and Buničitá Street in Ostrava

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    Import 29/09/2010Bakalářská práce se zabývá řešením a návrhem organizací dopravy na silnici II. třídy 478 Mostní v Ostravě, dále pak variantním návrhem křižovatky této silnice se silnicí II. třídy 477 Buničité. Řešení je provedeno v rozsahu technické studie. Práce popisuje zhodnocení stávajícího stavu, z hlediska širších dopravních vztahů, intenzity dopravy, a nehodovosti. Následuje prognóza zmíněných hledisek, s přihlédnutím k zamýšleným projektům v daném území. Dále práce obsahuje návrh komunikace pro pěší a cyklisty v celé trase a variantní návrh úprav křižovatky. Závěrem je konečné posouzení variant a doporučení nejlepšího návrhu.The bachelor thesis deals with a design and organisation of traffic for II. class road 478 Mostní in Ostrava, furthermore with a variant design of the crossroads of this road and II. class road 477 Buničitá. A solution is made in a range of the technical study. The thesis describes assessment of the current state with an aspect of wider traffic relations, traffic intensity and accident rate. Having taken intended projects in the given area into account, a prognosis of the mentioned aspects follows. Furthermore the thesis contains a design of pedestrian and bicycle communications for the whole route and the variant design of the crossroads. In conclusion there is a final assessment of the variants and a recommendation of the best solution.Prezenční227 - Katedra dopravního stavitelstvívýborn


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    The article presents a comparison of three devices and two methods that are used to count traffic flow. All measurements were carried out at a roundabout in Ostrava, where the following devices were used: Viacount II, Icoms TSM-SA, and Nu-Metrics NC-200 traffic analyzers. The methods of manual counting of vehicles and of counting vehicles based on video footage were used. The article also provides a comparison of the results obtained, namely in terms of traffic intensity, and of the measurements of the length and speed of vehicles. Further, we evaluate the results and explore the deviations from reality and the reasons why they occur. The article concludes with the recommended procedure designed to eliminate the identified problems, in order to ensure the most accurate results, with no significant deviations

    Solution of Intersection near Penny Market in Lipník nad Bečvou

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    Import 15/01/2013Diplomová práce se zabývá posouzením a následným řešením křižovatky ulice Hranické s ulicí Jezerskou v Lipníku nad Bečvou. Práce má několik částí, první část se zabývá hodnocením současného stavu z různých hledisek a dává nám celkový přehled o stávající situaci. V dalším oddílu je zpracován návrh řešeni křižovatky ve třech variantách. První variantou je ponechaní typu křižovatky jako průsečné, druhou a třetí je pak návrh křižovatky okružní, s tím že poslední varianta je zaměřena na co nejnižší prováděcí náklady. V poslední části práce je pak porovnání zmíněných variant a závěr.The thesis focuses on an assessment of crossroads connecting the streets Hranická and Jezerská in Lipník nad Bečvou. The assessment is followed by proposed layout. The work comprises of several parts. The first part deals with evaluation of the present state (from different points of views) and yields overall view of the current situation. In the next part you can find three proposed layout designs. The first solution is leaving the crossroads type as it is, i.e. intersecting streets. The second and third one incorporate a roundabout however the latter aims to cut down on realization costs. Finally in the last part there is a comparison of the designs followed by the author's conclusion.Prezenční227 - Katedra dopravního stavitelstvívýborn


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    The article presents a comparison of three devices and two methods that are used to count traffic flow. All measurements were carried out at a roundabout in Ostrava, where the following devices were used: Viacount II, Icoms TSM-SA, and Nu-Metrics NC-200 traffic analyzers. The methods of manual counting of vehicles and of counting vehicles based on video footage were used. The article also provides a comparison of the results obtained, namely in terms of traffic intensity, and of the measurements of the length and speed of vehicles. Further, we evaluate the results and explore the deviations from reality and the reasons why they occur. The article concludes with the recommended procedure designed to eliminate the identified problems, in order to ensure the most accurate results, with no significant deviations